Carro Hot Whels 1.64
Kids will always be the heart of the brand. Today, over 15 million boys ages 5-15 are avid collectors, and the average boy collector owns more than 41 Hot Wheels cars. In fact, somewhere in the world two Hot Wheels cars are sold every second of the day! The Hot Wheels brand continues to lead the industry with fresh, innovative products relevant to the market. Some of the current offerings include Monster Trucks, Mechanix, and Sho-gun Racers. Hot Wheels vehicles have even extended into other X-treme wheeled sports lines, including skateboard products and motocross product endorsed by Jeremy McGrath.
The brand that began with small die-cast vehicles is now involved with almost every racing circuit in the world from NASCAR® to Formula One. Cars, drivers, tracks, and signs emblazoned with the familiar red and yellow flame logo have appeared in NASCAR® (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing), Formula One, NHRA (National Hot Rod Association), CART (Championship Auto Racing Teams), AMA (American Motorcycle Association), and many other circuits.
